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20-12-2016 à 21:15:16
Tasty diet meals
The specific ecology of your intestines helps determine how efficiently you digest what you eat, so that the same input of 100 calories may yield more or less energy depending on the proportion of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes living in your gut. Organized nutrient by nutrient in a way guaranteed to offend no food group, it codified the official new dietary language. It makes good sense: these molecules (which plants produce to protect themselves from the highly reactive oxygen atoms produced in photosynthesis) vanquish the free radicals in our bodies, which can damage DNA and initiate cancers. Vegan Steak-Stout Pie Creamy, rich, and decadent, this cremini mushroom-filled savory pie is all you need this holiday. One group of the women were told to reduce their consumption of fat to 20 percent of total calories. (The Cornell nutritionist T. But for that to happen, the underlying nutritional science, as well as the policy recommendations (and the journalism) based on that science, would have to be sound. This brings us to another unexamined assumption: that the whole point of eating is to maintain and promote bodily health. Just last fall two prestigious studies on omega-3 fats published at the same time presented us with strikingly different conclusions. Or it could be that we isolated the wrong antioxidant. We just heaped a bunch more carbs onto our plates, obscuring perhaps, but not replacing, the expanding chunk of animal protein squatting in the center. Totally new still researching recipes and alternative optio. This is of course precisely what the McGovern committee was trying to tell us. Oddly, America got really fat on its new low-fat diet — indeed, many date the current obesity and diabetes epidemic to the late 1970s, when Americans began binging on carbohydrates, ostensibly as a way to avoid the evils of fat. BAD SCIENCE But if nutritionism leads to a kind of false consciousness in the mind of the eater, the ideology can just as easily mislead the scientist. Supplement-takers are better-educated, more-affluent people who, almost by definition, take a greater-than-normal interest in personal health — confounding factors that probably account for their superior health. Consider: When the study began, the average participant weighed in at 170 pounds and claimed to be eating 1,800 calories a day. So women could comply simply by switching to lower-fat animal products. The intervention group changes its diet in some prescribed manner, while the control group does not. They even have scientific figures for the magnitude of the lie. A reigning ideology is a little like the weather, all pervasive and virtually inescapable. Indeed, to look at the chemical composition of any common food plant is to realize just how much complexity lurks within it. One hypothesis is that the antioxidants in fresh produce — compounds like beta carotene, lycopene, vitamin E, etc. I would submit that the ideology of nutritionism deserves as much of the blame as the carbohydrates themselves do — that and human nature. So maybe the culprit nutrient in meat and dairy is the animal protein itself, as some researchers now hypothesize. But who knows what the hell else is going on deep in the soul of a carrot. NYTimes. Yet nutritionism encourages us to look elsewhere for the explanation: deep within the meat itself, to the culpable nutrient, which scientists have long assumed to be the saturated fat. Vegan Tiramisu Classic Italian Tiramisu without any of the eggs or dairy. Researchers have long believed, based on epidemiological comparisons of different populations, that a diet high in fruits and vegetables confers some protection against cancer. Of course thanks to the low-fat fad (inspired by the very same reductionist fat hypothesis), it is entirely possible to reduce your intake of saturated fat without significantly reducing your consumption of animal protein: just drink the low-fat milk and order the skinless chicken breast or the turkey bacon. Since nutrients, as compared with foods, are invisible and therefore slightly mysterious, it falls to the scientists (and to the journalists through whom the scientists speak) to explain the hidden reality of foods to us. Industry and media followed suit, and terms like polyunsaturated, cholesterol, monounsaturated, carbohydrate, fiber, polyphenols, amino acids and carotenes soon colonized much of the cultural space previously occupied by the tangible substance formerly known as food. I am a telephone lineman on vacation and have decided to change my life forever. Let us warm our bellies with this delicious Ginger Peanut Soup. When it comes to studying nutrition, this sort of extensive, long-term clinical trial is supposed to be the gold standard. Epidemiologists also had observed that in America during the war years, when meat and dairy products were strictly rationed, the rate of heart disease temporarily plummeted. This was precisely the tack taken by the National Academy of Sciences when it issued its landmark report on diet and cancer in 1982. The fate of each whole food rises and falls with every change in the nutritional weather, while the processed foods are simply reformulated. Acorn Squash Coconut Rice Only 6 ingredients, this elegant Acorn Squash and Coconut Rice is as simple as letting everything simmer in a crockpot. Yet even the simplest food is a hopelessly complex thing to study, a virtual wilderness of chemical compounds, many of which exist in complex and dynamic relation to one another, and all of which together are in the process of changing from one state to another. But there are a couple of problems with this revisionist picture. Some of those compounds in that sprig of thyme may well affect my digestion of the dish I add it to, helping to break down one compound or possibly stimulate production of an enzyme to detoxify another. To enter a world in which you dine on unseen nutrients, you need lots of expert help. By framing dietary advice in terms of good and bad nutrients, and by burying the recommendation that we should eat less of any particular food, it was easy for the take-home message of the 1977 and 1982 dietary guidelines to be simplified as follows: Eat more low-fat foods. But before I do that, it might be useful to figure out how we arrived at our present state of nutritional confusion and anxiety. The trace of limestone in the corn tortilla unlocks essential amino acids in the corn that would otherwise remain unavailable.

It could be the vagaries of human digestion. It was thought that that was pretty much all there was going on in food, until doctors noticed that an adequate supply of the big three did not necessarily keep people nourished. Maybe the fiber (or some other component) in a carrot protects the antioxidant molecules from destruction by stomach acids early in the digestive process. The Year of Eating Oat Bran — also known as 1988 — served as a kind of coming-out party for the food scientists, who succeeded in getting the material into nearly every processed food sold in America. This is a great boon for manufacturers of processed food, and it helps explain why they have been so happy to get with the nutritionism program. Similarly, any qualitative distinctions between processed foods and whole foods disappear when your focus is on quantifying the nutrients they contain (or, more precisely, the known nutrients). The Mediterranean diet is widely believed to be one of the most healthful ways to eat, yet much of what we know about it is based on studies of people living on the island of Crete in the 1950s, who in many respects lived lives very different from our own. The year before we learned that dietary fiber might not, as we had been confidently told, help prevent colon cancer. But perhaps the biggest flaw in this study, and other studies like it, is that we have no idea what these women were really eating because, like most people when asked about their diet, they lied about it. Because a nutrient bias is built into the way science is done: scientists need individual variables they can isolate. We have barely begun to understand the relationships among foods in a cuisine. Before long, a dense cloud bank of confusion moves in. So naturally they ask, What nutrients in those plant foods are responsible for that effect. Yes, they ate lots of olive oil and little meat. The two groups are then tracked over many years to learn whether the intervention affects relative rates of chronic disease. It would take an unusual metabolism to maintain that weight on so little food. So there is at least a question as to whether nutritionism is actually any good for you. No single event marked the shift from eating food to eating nutrients, though in retrospect a little-noticed political dust-up in Washington in 1977 seems to have helped propel American food culture down this dimly lighted path. I ha. Within weeks a firestorm, emanating from the red-meat and dairy industries, engulfed the committee, and Senator McGovern (who had a great many cattle ranchers among his South Dakota constituents) was forced to beat a retreat. I was wondering if anybody on here takes supplements. Sooner or later, everything solid you thought you knew about the links between diet and health gets blown away in the gust of the latest study. com no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. In the case of nutritionism, the widely shared but unexamined assumption is that the key to understanding food is indeed the nutrient. Nestle also cautions against taking the diet out of the context of the lifestyle. You might think that a national fixation on nutrients would lead to measurable improvements in the public health. Ideologies are ways of organizing large swaths of life and experience under a set of shared but unexamined assumptions. More important than mere foods, the presence or absence of these invisible substances was now generally believed to confer health benefits on their eaters. First, while it is true that Americans post-1977 did begin binging on carbs, and that fat as a percentage of total calories in the American diet declined, we never did in fact cut down on our consumption of fat. The story of how the most basic questions about what to eat ever got so complicated reveals a great deal about the institutional imperatives of the food industry, nutritional science and — ahem — journalism, three parties that stand to gain much from widespread confusion surrounding what is, after all, the most elemental question an omnivore confronts. — are the X factor. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. This is what we mean by reductionist science. Except perhaps the ostensible beneficiary of all this nutritional expertise and advice: us, and our health and happiness as eaters. Scientific reductionism is an undeniably powerful tool, but it can mislead us too, especially when applied to something as complex as, on the one side, a food, and on the other, a human eater. And, perhaps most important, they consumed far fewer total calories than we do. Another potentially serious weakness of nutritionist ideology is that it has trouble discerning qualitative distinctions between foods. EAT RIGHT, GET FATTER So nutritionism is good for business. There is nothing very machinelike about the human eater, and so to think of food as simply fuel is wrong. That, more or less, is the short answer to the supposedly incredibly complicated and confusing question of what we humans should eat in order to be maximally healthy. So depending on the reigning nutritional orthodoxy, the avocado might be either a high-fat food to be avoided (Old Think) or a food high in monounsaturated fat to be embraced (New Think). Also, no distinctions were made between types of fat: women getting their allowable portion of fat from olive oil or fish were lumped together with woman getting their fat from low-fat cheese or chicken breasts or margarine. THE RISE OF NUTRITIONISM The first thing to understand about nutritionism — I first encountered the term in the work of an Australian sociologist of science named Gyorgy Scrinis — is that it is not quite the same as nutrition. By comparing what people report on questionnaires with interviews about their dietary intake over the previous 24 hours, thought to be somewhat more reliable. Similarly, much of what we know about the health benefits of a vegetarian diet is based on studies of Seventh Day Adventists, who muddy the nutritional picture by drinking absolutely no alcohol and never smoking. Perfection. Foods by comparison were coarse, old-fashioned and decidedly unscientific things — who could say what was in them, really. Henceforth, government dietary guidelines would shun plain talk about whole foods, each of which has its trade association on Capitol Hill, and would instead arrive clothed in scientific euphemism and speaking of nutrients, entities that few Americans really understood but that lack powerful lobbies in Washington. Even the scientists who conduct this sort of research conduct it in the knowledge that people lie about their food intake all the time.

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